looking forward to
Move Past Plastic, MPP
Sponsored by TLC Foundation
© Lorem ipsum dolor sit Nulla in mollit pariatur in, est ut dolor eu eiusmod lorem
Welcome “Antonio Gramsci famously imparted: “Pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will.

Request Artificial Playing Surfaces Toolkit

Join the SUP Reduction TeamMPP SUP

MPP Reuse Toolkits Request Form

Actions for ditching disposables and moving toward


Living Plastic & PFAS Free Product

Guide Guide

Creek Defenders

Register HERE

Creek Defenders (CD) Newsletters

Volume 3 February 2025 - Microplastic and Health

Volume 2 January 2025 - CD at work

Volume 1 December 2025 - Creek Defenders Team

attends AGU24 to present a poster Dec. 9th!

Advocacy Team Builder Mixer

March, TBA, 2025

Are you concerned about plastics pollution and its connection to climate and watershed harms but don't know where and how to get involved, join us! We need you, your groups, organizations, and businesses from the South Central PA area to join Move Past Plastic (MPP) friends in reducing the harm caused by plastic pollution and its impacts on climate. Network with others and take action to protect our watershed communities! While individual action steps are essential, we can expand our influence with policymakers, legislators, schools, and businesses as a strong team network. Please join us and share your ideas, interests, and concerns. And be prepared to have fun as we get to know each other and share ideas! RSVP

Identification of Pollutants in the

Conodoguinet Creek Watershed: A

Recommendation for Protection.

Creek Defenders Map

o The map has or will display information on watersheds, pollution, human health metrics, political data, environmental justice community data, and more.

Creek Defender Pollution Report Form

o Report pollution, diseased and dead wildlife. o This online community engagement tool documents pollution in the Conodoguinet Creek watershed (and any US watershed). It includes fields for pollutant type, location, comments, and pictures Creek Snapshot


Add a photo, news, pollution, and watershed

events to our gallery! All photos will be

reviewed and must be appropriate and

respectful. Remember to include


CLICK on Creek Defenders Participation


An environmental stewardship project

A Community-driven Framework for

Assessing Health/Environmental Risk in

the Conodoguinet Creek Watershed

This project is a collaboration with AGU Thriving Earth Exchange. It aims to protect the Conodoguinet Creek watershed by collecting and analyzing data from multiple sources to assess environmental risks and impacts, contribute to environmental education, and raise community awareness. The Creek Defenders Pollution Report Form & Map will be presented and reviewed, along with initial observations. We will review the design of the health risk model.

Introduction the Creek Defender Project for the

Conodoguinet Creek Watershed Webinar Recording

NEWS on the Project


July 2024 Forests for the Bay Newsletter

News Around the Watershed, under Pennsylvania


Conodoguinet Creek the focus of new citizen

science project, State Impact PA, by Rachel

McDevitt, June 20th, 2024


Carlisle organization streamlines watershed

conservation initiatives, by Maddie Seiler June

6th, 2024 Updated Jun 12th, 2024 Sentinel




5/22/24 MPP News Release Intro. ID Pollutant


How PFAS, microplastics join forces as a

synergistic threat, by Tamela Trussell, from

The Bay Journal, May 7th, 2024

Move Past Plastics created the project proposal with the Environmental Protection Network. An AGU Thriving Earth Exchange grant was awarded to further this project. This project will help improve the watershed's health by aggregating siloed data into one location and map. This information and existing qualitative and quantitative data will be analyzed in a final report to conclude further testing, monitoring, and protecting the Conodoguinet Creek watershed. We welcome any research, history, and stories you want to share, including biological, chemical, physical, wildlife, and human health indicators. Please share this with your community groups, organizations, church, friends, and family. JOIN our team to collaborate on this project!!! Below i s a list of ways you and your organization can help.

CLICK on Creek Defenders Participation


Harms from Synthetic Playing Surfaces

To combat the harms from from artifical playing


Request Artificial Playing Surfaces Toolkit


To learn more, you can visit the following link:

Harms from Synthetic Playing Surfaces

PA Constitution - Article 1 Section 27

Natural resources and the public estate.

The people have a right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and esthetic values of the environment. Pennsylvania's public natural resources are the common property of all the people, including generations yet to come. As trustee of these resources, the Commonwealth shall conserve and maintain them for the benefit of all the people. . MPP ACTION Actions The proposed AGU Thriving Earth Exchange project, Identification of Pollutants in the Conodoguinet Creek Watershed: A Recommendation for Protection o Partners AGU Thriving Earth Exchange project, Anthropocene Alliance (A2), and a core team of volunteers including: Community Science Fellow, Shashank Anand, a team of three Community Scientists, Chiara Smorada, Marissa Kulkarni, Astrid Lozano-Acosta, and a local community member Karen Green co-founded Pidcock Creek Watershed Association A Conversation of the Impacts of SUP on the Health and the Environment. Partners Bosler Library, South Central PA Climate Realty, Beyond Plastics, US Composting Council, FoCo Trash Mob, US Reduces, BYO, … Synthetic Playing Surfaces harming our youth, Partnering with Safe and Healthy Playing Fields , Healthy Playing Surfaces & Beyond Plastic reaching out to municipalities PFAS Campaign o Drinking and wastewater testing reaching out to municipalities and residents with wells, personal avoidance, land spreading of biosolids Partnering with LWVPA, PFAS-action-group. National PFAS Contamination Coalition o Halt the Harm also announced our new PFAS Campaign Accelerator Online Course! o PFAS legislation Chemical Recycling Plant - partnering with organizations including Beyond Plastics (BP) and Save Our Susquehanna (SOS) to stop Chemical Recycling plants. We are working to stop the construction of the Encina Point Township plant. Zero Waste PA legislation, Partnering with LWVPA, Upstream, Beyond Plastic, Note the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act (S.4246-a/A.5322-a) of NY. Do we want to do something like this? Reusables in restaurants, Partnering with Beyond Plastic, FoCo Flash Mob Panera & Spoons- Sustainability Feedback BYO - US Reduces for Pennsylvania Partnering with BYO Reuse in Schools and Colleges/Universities Partnering with Upstream and Cafeteria Culture Participate in Planning the MPP Sustainable Fashion Show NO PVC for replacing lead pipes with IRA funds- reaching out to municipalities REPORT: The Perils of PVC Plastic Pipes Great news to share with you! The Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act, Senate Bill 3217, and House Resolution 6053 were reintroduced this week by Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Congressmember Jared Huffman (D-CA-02) Celebrate your journey to move away from single-use plastic (SUP): Becoming informed about the entire plastic life cycle Understand environmental and health harms from single-use plastic, SUP Recognize recycling and chemical or advanced recycling is a false solution Realize single-use plastic is more than a litter problem it is a crime of chemical toxicity Joining together to make changes by supporting campaign partners Take local civic actions Support strong Legislation outlined in the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act

Tackling SUP Community Resources for

South Central Pennsylvania

Learn more about PFAS and how you can

protect your drinking water and participate

in the PFAS Campaign



Complete Chat

Request for MPP's Artificial Playing

Surfaces (AFP) Toolkit

It includes those provided by our guest panelists. It has a complete section on Alternatives to APS

INVITE: Your communities parents, watershed

organizations, NGOs, school district personnel, parks

and recreation and athletic directors, municipal

officials, and community organizations.

This will be an opportunity to discuss the existing science, environmental, and human health impacts of artificial playing surfaces. The expert panelists welcome your questions, insights, and experiences. Our communities have an active population of concerned citizens and organizations that protect our watersheds. As environmental stewards, we must raise awareness about the growing plastic pollution problem and its connection to climate change, from plastic production to weather events that increase the amount of toxins entering our watersheds, including those from artificial playing surfaces. We hope this information reaches our communities and municipal leaders in charge of developing Water Assessment, Climate Action, and Land Preservation Plans.

Please share widely.

Guest experts: Dr. Sarah F. Evans, PhD, MPH, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental Medicine and Climate Science and a member of the Institute for Climate Change, Environmental Health, and Exposomics at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Dianne Woelke, MSN, is a Member of the Board at Safe Healthy Playing Fields Inc. Tamara Rubin, the founder of Lead Safe Mama, LLC, is an internationally recognized, multiple federal award-winning lead-poisoning prevention advocate and documentary filmmaker. Dr. Kyla Bennett works as Science Policy Director at Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) Christina Dubin, Community Organizer at Beyond Plastics Jeff Fowler, Penn State Extension, Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania Chapter of Sports Turf Managers (KAFMO) Dr. Kathleen Michels, Neuroscientist and a founding Board member of Safe Healthy Playing Fields and One Montgomery Green. She also served on the public health and zero waste committees of the Maryland ----------------------------------------------------------------

PA Constitution - Article 1 Section 27

Natural resources and the public estate.

The people have a right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and esthetic values of the environment. Pennsylvania's public natural resources are the common property of all the people, including generations yet to come. As trustee of these resources, the Commonwealth shall conserve and maintain them for the benefit of all the people. .
About MPP Donate

Lending a helping hand.

Subscribe to Email Subscribe
Schedule a meeting with Tamela
About the Founder of MPP About the Founder of MPP Business and Organization Partnership
Move Past Plastic, MPP
Sponsored by TLC Foundation
© Lorem ipsum dolor sit Nulla in mollit pariatur in, est ut dolor eu eiusmod lorem
Welcome “Antonio Gramsci famously imparted: “Pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will.

Request Artificial Playing Surfaces


Join the SUP Reduction TeamMPP


MPP Reuse Toolkits Request Form

Actions for ditching disposables and moving toward


Living Plastic & PFAS Free Product Guide


Creek Defenders

Register HERE

Creek Defenders (CD) Newsletters

Volume 3 February 2025 - Microplastic and


Volume 2 January 2025 - CD at work

Volume 1 December 2025 - Creek Defenders

Team attends AGU24 to present a poster Dec.


Advocacy Team Builder Mixer

March, TBA, 2025

Are you concerned about plastics pollution and its connection to climate and watershed harms but don't know where and how to get involved, join us! We need you, your groups, organizations, and businesses from the South Central PA area to join Move Past Plastic (MPP) friends in reducing the harm caused by plastic pollution and its impacts on climate. Network with others and take action to protect our watershed communities! While individual action steps are essential, we can expand our influence with policymakers, legislators, schools, and businesses as a strong team network. Please join us and share your ideas, interests, and concerns. And be prepared to have fun as we get to know each other and share ideas! RSVP

Identification of Pollutants in the

Conodoguinet Creek Watershed: A

Recommendation for Protection.

Creek Defenders Map

o The map has or will display information on watersheds, pollution, human health metrics, political data, environmental justice community data, and more.

Creek Defender Pollution Report


o Report pollution, diseased and dead wildlife. o This online community engagement tool documents pollution in the Conodoguinet Creek watershed (and any US watershed). It includes fields for pollutant type, location, comments, and pictures Creek Snapshot


Add a photo, news, pollution, and watershed

events to our gallery! All photos will be

reviewed and must be appropriate and

respectful. Remember to include


CLICK on Creek Defenders Participation


An environmental stewardship project

A Community-driven Framework for

Assessing Health/Environmental

Risk in the Conodoguinet Creek


This project is a collaboration with AGU Thriving Earth Exchange. It aims to protect the Conodoguinet Creek watershed by collecting and analyzing data from multiple sources to assess environmental risks and impacts, contribute to environmental education, and raise community awareness. The Creek Defenders Pollution Report Form & Map will be presented and reviewed, along with initial observations. We will review the design of the health risk model.

Introduction the Creek Defender Project for the

Conodoguinet Creek Watershed Webinar


NEWS on the Project


July 2024 Forests for the Bay Newsletter

News Around the Watershed, under Pennsylvania


Conodoguinet Creek the focus of new

citizen science project, State Impact PA, by

Rachel McDevitt, June 20th, 2024


Carlisle organization streamlines watershed

conservation initiatives, by Maddie Seiler

June 6th, 2024 Updated Jun 12th, 2024

Sentinel Newspaper



5/22/24 MPP News Release Intro. ID



How PFAS, microplastics join forces as a

synergistic threat, by Tamela Trussell, from

The Bay Journal, May 7th, 2024

Move Past Plastics created the project proposal with the Environmental Protection Network. An AGU Thriving Earth Exchange grant was awarded to further this project. This project will help improve the watershed's health by aggregating siloed data into one location and map. This information and existing qualitative and quantitative data will be analyzed in a final report to conclude further testing, monitoring, and protecting the Conodoguinet Creek watershed. We welcome any research, history, and stories you want to share, including biological, chemical, physical, wildlife, and human health indicators. Please share this with your community groups, organizations, church, friends, and family. JOIN our team to collaborate on this project!!! Below i s a list of ways you and your organization can help.

CLICK on Creek Defenders

Participation Form

Harms from Synthetic Playing


To combat the harms from from artifical playing


Request Artificial Playing Surfaces


Subscribe to Email Schedule a meeting with Tamela About MPP


To learn more, you can visit the following link:

Harms from Synthetic Playing


PA Constitution - Article 1 Section


Natural resources and the public estate.

The people have a right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and esthetic values of the environment. Pennsylvania's public natural resources are the common property of all the people, including generations yet to come. As trustee of these resources, the Commonwealth shall conserve and maintain them for the benefit of all the people. . MPP ACTION Actions The proposed AGU Thriving Earth Exchange project, Identification of Pollutants in the Conodoguinet Creek Watershed: A Recommendation for Protection o Partners AGU Thriving Earth Exchange project, Anthropocene Alliance (A2), and a core team of volunteers including: Community Science Fellow, Shashank Anand, a team of three Community Scientists, Chiara Smorada, Marissa Kulkarni, Astrid Lozano-Acosta, and a local community member Karen Green co-founded Pidcock Creek Watershed Association A Conversation of the Impacts of SUP on the Health and the Environment. Partners Bosler Library, South Central PA Climate Realty, Beyond Plastics, US Composting Council, FoCo Trash Mob, US Reduces, BYO, … Synthetic Playing Surfaces harming our youth, Partnering with Safe and Healthy Playing Fields , Healthy Playing Surfaces & Beyond Plastic reaching out to municipalities PFAS Campaign o Drinking and wastewater testing reaching out to municipalities and residents with wells, personal avoidance, land spreading of biosolids Partnering with LWVPA, PFAS-action-group. National PFAS Contamination Coalition o Halt the Harm also announced our new PFAS Campaign Accelerator Online Course! o PFAS legislation Chemical Recycling Plant - partnering with organizations including Beyond Plastics (BP) and Save Our Susquehanna (SOS) to stop Chemical Recycling plants. We are working to stop the construction of the Encina Point Township plant. Zero Waste PA legislation, Partnering with LWVPA, Upstream, Beyond Plastic, Note the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act (S.4246-a/A.5322-a) of NY. Do we want to do something like this? Reusables in restaurants, Partnering with Beyond Plastic, FoCo Flash Mob Panera & Spoons- Sustainability Feedback BYO - US Reduces for Pennsylvania Partnering with BYO Reuse in Schools and Colleges/Universities Partnering with Upstream and Cafeteria Culture Participate in Planning the MPP Sustainable Fashion Show NO PVC for replacing lead pipes with IRA funds- reaching out to municipalities REPORT: The Perils of PVC Plastic Pipes Great news to share with you! The Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act, Senate Bill 3217, and House Resolution 6053 were reintroduced this week by Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Congressmember Jared Huffman (D-CA-02) Celebrate your journey to move away from single-use plastic (SUP): Becoming informed about the entire plastic life cycle Understand environmental and health harms from single-use plastic, SUP Recognize recycling and chemical or advanced recycling is a false solution Realize single-use plastic is more than a litter problem it is a crime of chemical toxicity Joining together to make changes by supporting campaign partners Take local civic actions Support strong Legislation outlined in the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act

Tackling SUP Community Resources for

South Central Pennsylvania

Learn more about PFAS and how you can

protect your drinking water and


in the PFAS Campaign



Complete Chat

Request for MPP's Artificial

Playing Surfaces (AFP) Toolkit

It includes those provided by our guest panelists. It has a complete section on Alternatives to APS

INVITE: Your communities parents, watershed

organizations, NGOs, school district personnel,

parks and recreation and athletic directors,

municipal officials, and community


This will be an opportunity to discuss the existing science, environmental, and human health impacts of artificial playing surfaces. The expert panelists welcome your questions, insights, and experiences. Our communities have an active population of concerned citizens and organizations that protect our watersheds. As environmental stewards, we must raise awareness about the growing plastic pollution problem and its connection to climate change, from plastic production to weather events that increase the amount of toxins entering our watersheds, including those from artificial playing surfaces. We hope this information reaches our communities and municipal leaders in charge of developing Water Assessment, Climate Action, and Land Preservation Plans.

Please share widely.

Guest experts: Dr. Sarah F. Evans, PhD, MPH, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental Medicine and Climate Science and a member of the Institute for Climate Change, Environmental Health, and Exposomics at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Dianne Woelke, MSN, is a Member of the Board at Safe Healthy Playing Fields Inc. Tamara Rubin, the founder of Lead Safe Mama, LLC, is an internationally recognized, multiple federal award-winning lead-poisoning prevention advocate and documentary filmmaker. Dr. Kyla Bennett works as Science Policy Director at Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) Christina Dubin, Community Organizer at Beyond Plastics Jeff Fowler, Penn State Extension, Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania Chapter of Sports Turf Managers (KAFMO) Dr. Kathleen Michels, Neuroscientist and a founding Board member of Safe Healthy Playing Fields and One Montgomery Green. She also served on the public health and zero waste committees of the Maryland ----------------------------------------------------------------

PA Constitution - Article 1 Section


Natural resources and the public estate.

The people have a right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and esthetic values of the environment. Pennsylvania's public natural resources are the common property of all the people, including generations yet to come. As trustee of these resources, the Commonwealth shall conserve and maintain them for the benefit of all the people. .
Business and Organization Partnership About the Founder of MPP About the Founder of MPP